Filtern nach:
11.12.2013Illness and Memory - The Case of Aby Warburg
Kanichiro OmyiaIKKM Lectures -
27.11.2013On the Blessing and Curse of Topoi
Aleida AssmannIKKM Lectures -
27.11.2013Irina Podgorny's IKKM Project
Irina PodgornyIKKM Statements -
13.11.2013Replay, Highlight, Database: History According to Sports' Media
Markus StauffIKKM Lectures -
06.11.2013Structures in Architectonic Model-Making
Daniel GethmannIKKM Lectures -
30.10.2013Montage as History: Modes and Methods
Trond LundemoIKKM Lectures -
12.09.2013Antoine Hennion's IKKM Project
Antoine HennionIKKM Statements -
06.08.2013Christa Blümlinger's IKKM Project
Christa BlümlingerIKKM Statements -
16.07.2013Martin Stingelin's IKKM Project
Martin StingelinIKKM Statements -
16.07.2013Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky's IKKM Project
Astrid Deuber-MankowskyIKKM Statements -
03.07.2013Play and Time
Astrid Deuber-MankowskyIKKM Lectures -
19.06.2013Alexandre Kojève: The Sage as Photographer
Boris GroysIKKM Lectures -
12.06.2013L’Ange de l’œuvre. Étienne Souriau, from Aesthetics to an Ontology of Uncertain Beings
Bruno Latour, Antoine HennionIKKM Lectures -
05.06.2013On the (A-)Synchronicity of Writing Tools
Martin StingelinIKKM Lectures -
29.05.2013Synchronization of the Archive and Topology of Film
Christa BlümlingerIKKM Lectures -
22.05.2013Attachment, Agencements: A Pragmatist Inquiry into Things that Matter
Antoine HennionIKKM Lectures -
15.05.2013The Temporal Structure of Pictures
Ludger SchwarteIKKM Lectures