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26.11.2021Illusion in Cultural Practice: Productive Deceptions
Katharina ReinSchriftenreihe -
25.10.2019Recording and reacting: coexistence of perceptions in digital media
Pauline Chasseray-PeraldiIKKM Annual Conference -
30.01.2019This Year’s Model. Thinking the Reproduction of Obsolescence with Simondon
Michael CuntzIKKM Lectures -
06.06.2018The Art of Simultaneity (One Century Later)
Elie DuringIKKM Lectures -
23.05.2018Exopistemology: On Knowing Without a Knower
Steven ConnorIKKM Lectures -
22.11.2017Strange Topologics: David Lynch's Lost Highway
Bernd HerzogenrathIKKM Lectures -
28.06.2017Position & Disposition
Jane BennettIKKM Lectures -
24.05.2017Showing and Concealing. On the Handling of Pictures Behind Curtains
Claudia BlümleIKKM Lectures -
10.05.2017Performances of Neurotypicality, Acts of Neurodiversity
Erin ManningIKKM Lectures -
01.02.2017Polyphonies in Space - Diving into Time Pointillismus
Silvia Fômina , Thomas SchneiderIKKM Lectures -
03.06.2016Akira Mizuta Lippit: Disapparition: On Phantom Departures.
Akira Mizuta LippitIKKM Annual Conference -
03.06.2016Matthew Salomon: Méliès and the Materiality of Modern Magic.
Matthew SalomonIKKM Annual Conference -
03.06.2016Georges Didi-Huberman: Que ce qui apparaît seulement s‘aperçoit.
Georges Didi-HubermanIKKM Annual Conference -
25.06.2014Computer Animation Rules
Harun FarockiIKKM Lectures -
27.11.2013On the Blessing and Curse of Topoi
Aleida AssmannIKKM Lectures -
03.07.2013Play and Time
Astrid Deuber-MankowskyIKKM Lectures -
12.06.2013L’Ange de l’œuvre. Étienne Souriau, from Aesthetics to an Ontology of Uncertain Beings
Bruno Latour, Antoine HennionIKKM Lectures -
29.05.2013Synchronization of the Archive and Topology of Film
Christa BlümlingerIKKM Lectures -
07.11.2012New Wine in Old Wineskins: The Rise and Fall of Early Sync Sound Systems
Rick AltmanIKKM Lectures -
27.06.2012The Lightning Flash of Knowledge and the Temporailty of Images
Sigrid WeigelIKKM Lectures -
06.06.2012Temporal Affects: Performance, Agency and the Aesthetics of Real Time
Chris SalterIKKM Lectures -
16.11.2011Topophilie. Techniken der Lokalisierung und Dynamiken der Delokalisierung bei Bachelard und Kafka
Friedrich BalkeIKKM Lectures -
Anna McCarthyIKKM Annual Conference -
01.06.2011Diffuse Illumination: The University as a Technical Medium
Reinhold MartinIKKM Lectures -
02.02.2011Looking Away – Participating Singularities, Ontological Communities
Irit RogoffIKKM Lectures -
03.11.2010Embodied Mediation: Semiosis and Cybernetics in AVATAR
Bruce ClarkeIKKM Lectures -
09.06.2010Trompe-l'œil oder das Zeichenparadox
Hartmut BöhmeIKKM Lectures -
12.05.2010Signs of Time. Cerebral Metaphysics of the Neuro-Image
Patricia PistersIKKM Lectures -
03.02.2010Transparenz und Medialität
Jiří BystřickýIKKM Lectures -
27.01.2010Lebend Ding bei Goethe
Eva GeulenIKKM Lectures -
25.11.2009Verklärte Nacht. Der Himmel, der Schatten und der Film
Jacques AumontIKKM Lectures -
11.11.2009Caravaggio als Maler des modernen Lebens – "Junge von der Eidechse gebissen" in neuer Deutung
Jürgen MüllerIKKM Lectures