Filtern nach:
24.10.2019Predicting and Explaining
Elena EspositoIKKM Annual Conference -
2019 | 1Ontography
ZMK Zeitschrift -
29.11.2017Operative Ontology of the Individual
Jens SchröterIKKM Lectures -
22.11.2017Strange Topologics: David Lynch's Lost Highway
Bernd HerzogenrathIKKM Lectures -
15.11.2017Operative Ontologies: Notations as Orders of Performance
Ute HollIKKM Lectures -
2017 | 2Operative Ontologien
ZMK Zeitschrift -
25.01.2017Aesthetics and Technique of the Event. Towards an Operational Ontology of Life
Vittoria BorsòIKKM Lectures -
23.11.2016Flat Ontologies and Relative Natives: Notes on the Cinematic
Vinzenz HedigerIKKM Lectures -
03.06.2016Mark Hansen: On the Primacy of Dis-Appearance – The Operative Ontologies of Topological Media.
Mark HansenIKKM Annual Conference -
2016 | 1Verschwinden
ZMK Zeitschrift -
20.01.2016Cabinet Logic: A History, Critique, and Consultation on Media Furniture
Shannon MatternIKKM Lectures -
2015 | 2Sendung
ZMK Zeitschrift -
21.10.2013Engaging Emergence: From Cellular Automata to the Occupy Movement
Andrew PickeringIKKM Annual Conference -
11.10.2013Singular and Proper Places: Possession, Reticulation, Collectives
Michael Cuntz, Anne OrtnerIKKM Annual Conference -
12.06.2013L’Ange de l’œuvre. Étienne Souriau, from Aesthetics to an Ontology of Uncertain Beings
Bruno Latour, Antoine HennionIKKM Lectures -
2012 | 2Kollektiv
ZMK Zeitschrift -
28.11.2011Film and Philosophy After Deleuze
Thomas ElsaesserIKKM Lectures -
02.02.2011Looking Away – Participating Singularities, Ontological Communities
Irit RogoffIKKM Lectures -
2011 | 1Offene Objekte
ZMK Zeitschrift -
01.10.2010Where is res extensa? An Anthropology of Object
Bruno LatourIKKM Annual Conference -
23.06.2010"Die künstliche Intelligenz des Sinns". Über Jean-Luc Nancys ontotechnologisches Schöpfungsdenken
Erich HörlIKKM Lectures -
05.05.2010"A Compass in a Moving World". On Genres and Genealogies of Theory
David RodowickIKKM Lectures -
25.11.2009Verklärte Nacht. Der Himmel, der Schatten und der Film
Jacques AumontIKKM Lectures