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Viktor MazinSchriftenreihe -
2018/05/23Exopistemology: On Knowing Without a Knower
Steven ConnorIKKM Lectures -
2017/11/22Strange Topologics: David Lynch's Lost Highway
Bernd HerzogenrathIKKM Lectures -
2017/05/31Plans for the Planet. Félix Guattari and the Problem of Ecology.
Henning SchmidgenIKKM Annual Conference -
2017/05/31A Community of Limbs. Co-Evolution of Man, Media, Culture, and Organs in the Mediocene.
Niels WerberIKKM Annual Conference -
2017/05/24Showing and Concealing. On the Handling of Pictures Behind Curtains
Claudia BlümleIKKM Lectures -
2016/11/30Psychoanalysis and Techne
Viktor MazinIKKM Lectures -
2016/06/03Akira Mizuta Lippit: Disapparition: On Phantom Departures.
Akira Mizuta LippitIKKM Annual Conference -
2013/01/23In the Event of Protest: Mediating Opposition in South Africa
Rosalind MorrisIKKM Lectures -
2010/01/20Mediale Dinge und ihre ästhetische Reflexion
Dieter MerschIKKM Lectures