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2019/12/17Geologies of Race: Unearthing the Ground of the Human
Kathryn YusoffIKKM Lectures -
2019/10/25Invading/Inviting. From Surveillance to Byzantium
Ulrich MeurerIKKM Annual Conference -
2019/05/22Self-Grafting: Queer Procreation as a Decolonizing Practice
Katrin PahlIKKM Lectures -
2018/01/10The Smart Mandate
Orit HalpernIKKM Lectures -
2017/12/13Migration der Dinge
Claudia Tittel (Hg.)Schriftenreihe -
2016/06/03Wolfgang Struck: Fallen out of the World – A Geographical Fantasy.
Wolfgang StruckIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/01/13Chimurenga: What Innovation Appears Like from an African Guerrilla War Theater
Clapperton Chakanetsa MavhungaIKKM Lectures -
2013/01/23In the Event of Protest: Mediating Opposition in South Africa
Rosalind MorrisIKKM Lectures -
2012/05/02Synchronous Asynchronicity: Intermedial Aesthetics and Colonial Modernity at the Transition to Sound
Weihong BaoIKKM Lectures -
2011/11/09Die Welt als Skript. Weltumrundungen von Magellan bis Verne.
Jörg DünneIKKM Lectures -
2011/07/13Area Panic
Joseph VoglIKKM Lectures -
2011/06/29The Secular Machine. Radio and the Materiality of Qu'ranic Recitation
Brian LarkinIKKM Lectures -
2011/06/08Pasajeros a Indias - Acts of Writing on the Threshold between the Old World and the New
Bernhard SiegertIKKM Lectures -
2011/05/04The Sites and Courses of Silver
Wolfgang PircherIKKM Lectures