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Viktor MazinSchriftenreihe -
2020/01/15Thumbs up: Virtual keyboards, pollical typing, and thumb culture
Ido RamatiIKKM Lectures -
2019/12/17Geologies of Race: Unearthing the Ground of the Human
Kathryn YusoffIKKM Lectures -
2019/10/25Invading/Inviting. From Surveillance to Byzantium
Ulrich MeurerIKKM Annual Conference -
2019/10/25Recording and reacting: coexistence of perceptions in digital media
Pauline Chasseray-PeraldiIKKM Annual Conference -
2019/10/24Flipping Heidegger’s Switches: Force, Violence and the Administration of Thinking
Adam KnowlesIKKM Annual Conference -
2018/12/05Front Lines of Community. A Postscript to Hollywood War Cinema
Hermann KappelhoffIKKM Lectures -
2018 | 1Mediocene
IKKM Books -
2018/01/31Human, Inhuman, Posthuman: Implications for the Academic Humanities
Rosi BraidottiIKKM Lectures -
2017/06/28Position & Disposition
Jane BennettIKKM Lectures -
2017/05/10Performances of Neurotypicality, Acts of Neurodiversity
Erin ManningIKKM Lectures -
2016/11/23Flat Ontologies and Relative Natives: Notes on the Cinematic
Vinzenz HedigerIKKM Lectures -
2016/06/08Screening (Her, Spike Jonze, USA 2013) & Film Talk: Anthropology and Film
Oliver FahleFilm Talks -
2016/06/03Mark Hansen: On the Primacy of Dis-Appearance – The Operative Ontologies of Topological Media.
Mark HansenIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/06/03Astrid Lindenlauf: Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish: The Disposal of Unwanted Objects in Ancient Greece.
Astrid LindenlaufIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/06/03Jacques Aumont: Forgetfulness at Work: Film as a Site of Oblivion.
Jacques AumontIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/06/03Josef Vojvodík: «That which has disappeared ‹returns› »: On the Mediality of Grief.
Josef VojvodíkIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/06/01To Climb into Other People’s Heads – Thomas Kuhn and the History of Science
Anke te HeesenIKKM Lectures -
2015/12/16The Brothel Question: A Historical and Sociological Analysis
Andreas ZiemannIKKM Lectures -
15 – Medien des Heiligen
Archiv für Mediengeschichte -
2015/11/18Appearing, Disappearing, Reappearing: Phantomatic Modes of Production
Petra LöfflerIKKM Lectures -
2015/06/24Posthumanism and Media
Mark Hansen, Stefan HerbrechterIKKM Lectures -
2014/05/21On the Life of Lines
Timothy IngoldIKKM Lectures -
2013/10/04Living with Commodities: Emergence and Materiality in Subject-Object Relations
Sun-ha HongIKKM Annual Conference -
2013/01/09Dreamworks. Architecture and the Digital Image
Gerd ZimmermannIKKM Lectures -
2012/11/14The Most Sublime of all Laws. Resurgences of a Kantian Motive in Contemporary Image Politics
Emmanuel AlloaIKKM Lectures -
2012/08/09"The Tree of Life" - Talk
Thomas Elsaesser, Francesco CasettiFilm Talks -
Anna McCarthyIKKM Annual Conference -
2011/04/27Concentration, Isolation and Clear-Cut Distinctions
Samuel WeberIKKM Lectures -
2010/10/01Where is res extensa? An Anthropology of Object
Bruno LatourIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/07/16What difference does it make?
Antoine HennionIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/05/12Signs of Time. Cerebral Metaphysics of the Neuro-Image
Patricia PistersIKKM Lectures -
2010/02/03Transparenz und Medialität
Jiří BystřickýIKKM Lectures -
09 – Gefahrensinn
Archiv für Mediengeschichte -
2009/11/25Verklärte Nacht. Der Himmel, der Schatten und der Film
Jacques AumontIKKM Lectures -
2009/11/18Söhne des Zufalls. Schwellfuß und die Schoolshooter
Manfred SchneiderIKKM Lectures