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2019/05/22Self-Grafting: Queer Procreation as a Decolonizing Practice
Katrin PahlIKKM Lectures -
2018/01/31Human, Inhuman, Posthuman: Implications for the Academic Humanities
Rosi BraidottiIKKM Lectures -
2015/12/16The Brothel Question: A Historical and Sociological Analysis
Andreas ZiemannIKKM Lectures -
2015/06/17TV Snapshots. An Archive of Everyday Life
Lynn SpigelIKKM Lectures -
2015/05/13Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries
Barbara BaertIKKM Lectures -
2013/01/23In the Event of Protest: Mediating Opposition in South Africa
Rosalind MorrisIKKM Lectures