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2018/05/23Exopistemology: On Knowing Without a Knower
Steven ConnorIKKM Lectures -
2017/06/28Position & Disposition
Jane BennettIKKM Lectures -
2017/06/14A Prize-Gestell: Hannah Arendt Swallows the Lessing-Preis
Avital RonellIKKM Lectures -
2017/05/10Performances of Neurotypicality, Acts of Neurodiversity
Erin ManningIKKM Lectures -
2016/11/30Psychoanalysis and Techne
Viktor MazinIKKM Lectures -
2015/05/13Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries
Barbara BaertIKKM Lectures -
2013/12/11Illness and Memory - The Case of Aby Warburg
Kanichiro OmyiaIKKM Lectures