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2019/12/17Geologies of Race: Unearthing the Ground of the Human
Kathryn YusoffIKKM Lectures -
2019/10/25Recording and reacting: coexistence of perceptions in digital media
Pauline Chasseray-PeraldiIKKM Annual Conference -
2018/06/06The Art of Simultaneity (One Century Later)
Elie DuringIKKM Lectures -
2018/01/10The Smart Mandate
Orit HalpernIKKM Lectures -
18 – Tiefenzeit und Mikrozeit
Archiv für Mediengeschichte -
2017/06/01Odyssey without Nostos or From Globe to Planet.
Hans-Christian von HerrmannIKKM Annual Conference -
2017/05/31Plans for the Planet. Félix Guattari and the Problem of Ecology.
Henning SchmidgenIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/06/03Wolfgang Struck: Fallen out of the World – A Geographical Fantasy.
Wolfgang StruckIKKM Annual Conference -
2013/10/24Der Mensch des Films. Kinematographische Anthropologie #01: 2001-Odyssee im Weltraum
Lorenz EngellFilm Talks -
2013/01/16Planarity and Figuration. Descartes: Epistemology and the Power of the Line
Sybille KrämerIKKM Lectures -
2012/08/09"The Tree of Life" - Talk
Thomas Elsaesser, Francesco CasettiFilm Talks -
2012/05/21Longitude and Simultaneity in Philosophy, Physics, and Empires
Bernhard SiegertIKKM Annual Conference -
2012/01/25Orte als präpositionale Objekte
Peter BexteIKKM Lectures -
2011/12/07Visual Toponomy in the Cinema in the Mirror of History: Places Named and Places Shown
Michel ChionIKKM Lectures -
2011/11/09Die Welt als Skript. Weltumrundungen von Magellan bis Verne.
Jörg DünneIKKM Lectures -
2010/01/06Evidenz im Bild. Van Goghs Schuhe, Heidegger und kein Ende
Hartmut BöhmeIKKM Lectures -
2009/12/09Nuclear City. Formgebung im Atomzeitalter
Christoph AsendorfIKKM Lectures