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2019/10/25Invading/Inviting. From Surveillance to Byzantium
Ulrich MeurerIKKM Annual Conference -
2019/06/19Lifestyles: How to do Norms with Images
Emanuele CocciaIKKM Lectures -
2019/05/22Self-Grafting: Queer Procreation as a Decolonizing Practice
Katrin PahlIKKM Lectures -
2018/05/30“A Thing that Connects with the Voices that are Talking”: Marlene by Maximilian Schell (Germany, 1984)
Stefanie DiekmannIKKM Lectures -
2017/06/28Position & Disposition
Jane BennettIKKM Lectures -
2017 | 1Inkarnieren
IKKM Books -
2017/05/31A Community of Limbs. Co-Evolution of Man, Media, Culture, and Organs in the Mediocene.
Niels WerberIKKM Annual Conference -
2017/05/10Performances of Neurotypicality, Acts of Neurodiversity
Erin ManningIKKM Lectures -
2017/01/11Detouring History: Thoughts on Walter Benjamin's Method
Christine BlaettlerIKKM Lectures -
2016/11/30Psychoanalysis and Techne
Viktor MazinIKKM Lectures -
2016/06/08Screening (Her, Spike Jonze, USA 2013) & Film Talk: Anthropology and Film
Oliver FahleFilm Talks -
2016/06/03Claudia Blümle: Behind the Curtain: Dis/Appearing in Surrealist Art.
Claudia BlümleIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/06/03Georges Didi-Huberman: Que ce qui apparaît seulement s‘aperçoit.
Georges Didi-HubermanIKKM Annual Conference -
2016/01/20Cabinet Logic: A History, Critique, and Consultation on Media Furniture
Shannon MatternIKKM Lectures -
2015/11/18Appearing, Disappearing, Reappearing: Phantomatic Modes of Production
Petra LöfflerIKKM Lectures -
2015/10/28Excarnation - Inlibration : The Paradox of Treasure Bindings
David GanzIKKM Lectures -
2015/06/24Posthumanism and Media
Mark Hansen, Stefan HerbrechterIKKM Lectures -
2014/07/03Medieval Parchement
Kathryn RudyIKKM Lectures -
2014/05/21On the Life of Lines
Timothy IngoldIKKM Lectures -
2013/05/22Attachment, Agencements: A Pragmatist Inquiry into Things that Matter
Antoine HennionIKKM Lectures -
2013 | 1Medienanthropologie
IKKM Books -
2012/06/06Temporal Affects: Performance, Agency and the Aesthetics of Real Time
Chris SalterIKKM Lectures -
2011/01/19Körperzeichen, sakrale Inskriptionen und Allegorien
Bettine MenkeIKKM Lectures -
2010/11/03Embodied Mediation: Semiosis and Cybernetics in AVATAR
Bruce ClarkeIKKM Lectures -
2010/09/22How to Take the Lid of the Utah Teapot. Making and Material of Digital Images
Ann-Sophie LehmannIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/08/19Analog/digital. Das Bild als mediale Haut als objet ambigu
Margrit TröhlerIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/07/29Henkel und Vase. Die Teratologie der Dinge
Friedrich BalkeIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/07/29Kommentar zu Panel I "Offenheit anordnen"
Christoph AsendorfIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/07/16Tokens, Suckers, and the "Great New York Token War"
Stefan HöhneIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/06/30Mies van der Rohes 20. Jahrhundert
Christoph AsendorfIKKM Lectures -
2010/06/09Doublings and Couplings. The Feeling Thing in Kleist
Katrin PahlIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/05/12Signs of Time. Cerebral Metaphysics of the Neuro-Image
Patricia PistersIKKM Lectures -
2010/02/03Transparenz und Medialität
Jiří BystřickýIKKM Lectures -
2010/01/27Lebend Ding bei Goethe
Eva GeulenIKKM Lectures -
2010/01/06Evidenz im Bild. Van Goghs Schuhe, Heidegger und kein Ende
Hartmut BöhmeIKKM Lectures