Joachim Krausse Former Senior Fellow

Joachim Krausse

Research Project

The Architecture of Space-Time

The research project with the working title “The Architecture of Space-Time” takes as its starting point a problematique that traverses the entire field of design in the twentieth century, namely the re-conceptualisation of space and time. Despite many, in part significant attempts to illustrate the change of these fundamental concepts in the changes of artefacts, hitherto no sufficient theory has been developed. The reason for this state might, among others, be found in the poor analysis of the exchange and interplay between scientific, technical and aesthetic products in their significance for culture as a whole. Most of my studies are concerned with interactions of this kind, with transfers and unexpected connections of disparate fields, genres, disciplines, industries. Their analysis does not only throw new light onto investigated objects, it also provides the key for important technical, media and aesthetic innovations. They all refer to a redefinition of space-time relations. “The Architecture of Space-Time” has to be understood in its ambiguous sense: on the one hand, as the inquiry into the patterns, structures and models that have been the basis for the concept of space-time since Einstein and Minkowski; on the other hand, as the investigation of those architectural, engineered and creative reactions, which followed the initially only theoretical Revolution of Space and Time (Minkowski). The analysis of appropriate examples can be found as case studies in my publications. My publication Gebaute Weltbilder (Krausse 1993) encompasses an initial summary of these studies. Since then, the topic has been broadened significantly by both further case studies and theoretical contributions. A synopsis in the form of a book is the aim of this project.