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2019/10/25Recording and reacting: coexistence of perceptions in digital media
Pauline Chasseray-PeraldiIKKM Annual Conference -
2018/05/30“A Thing that Connects with the Voices that are Talking”: Marlene by Maximilian Schell (Germany, 1984)
Stefanie DiekmannIKKM Lectures -
2018/05/23Exopistemology: On Knowing Without a Knower
Steven ConnorIKKM Lectures -
2017/07/05Theses on the revaluation of value
Brian MassumiIKKM Lectures -
2017/06/14A Prize-Gestell: Hannah Arendt Swallows the Lessing-Preis
Avital RonellIKKM Lectures -
2016/06/08Screening (Her, Spike Jonze, USA 2013) & Film Talk: Anthropology and Film
Oliver FahleFilm Talks -
2015/01/21Textiles and the Creation of Space
Xanthippi-Iris TzachiliIKKM Lectures -
2013/11/27On the Blessing and Curse of Topoi
Aleida AssmannIKKM Lectures -
2013/10/04Living with Commodities: Emergence and Materiality in Subject-Object Relations
Sun-ha HongIKKM Annual Conference -
2012/06/06Temporal Affects: Performance, Agency and the Aesthetics of Real Time
Chris SalterIKKM Lectures -
2011/07/13Area Panic
Joseph VoglIKKM Lectures -
2010/07/16Tokens, Suckers, and the "Great New York Token War"
Stefan HöhneIKKM Annual Conference -
2010/06/09Doublings and Couplings. The Feeling Thing in Kleist
Katrin PahlIKKM Annual Conference -
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IKKM Books