Trembling of the Non-identical in Appearing. Miroslav Petříček

The lecture is an attempt to connect phenomenology with semiotics by means of searching for traces of another possible mode of showing, as indicated on the very edges of classical phenomenology. Emphasis is placed on the showing of what appears as elusive, i.e., what appears as disappearing and in its disappearance.

BIO/BIB — Miroslav Petříček is a professor at the Institute for Philosophy and Religious Studies in the Philosophy Faculty of the Charles University in Prague. He was refused admission to study for a university degree for political reasons; from 1972 to 1990 he worked at the Hydrome­teorological Institute. From 1971 to 1977 he participated in Jan Patočka’s private seminars. In 1990 he received his Master’s degree; between 1990 and 1992 he worked at the Jan Patočka Archive, and since 1992 he has worked at the Institute for Philosophy at the Charles University in Prague. In 1992 he was a Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. In 1998 he received his doctorate, and in 2007 he was made a professor at the Academy of Performing Arts (AMU) in Prague. Petříček’s publications include Myšlení obrazem (Thinking in/through/with Images), Prague: Herrmann a synové 2009; Obraz a slovo (Word and Image), in collaboration with R. Fila, Bratislava: Koloman Kertesz Bagala 2003; Úvod do (současné) filosofie (Introduction to Philosophy [of the Present]), Prague: Herrmann 1991. He has translated many texts from French and German, including Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The Visible and the Invisible; Edmund Husserl: The Idea of Phenomenology and Roland Barthes: Camera Lucida.